
Frasers Centrepoint Trust

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フレイザーセンターポイント·トラスト( FCT)はシンガポール拠点のショッピング不動産投資信託( REIT)です。 FCTは2006年7月5日、シンガポール証券取引所(SGX-ST)のメインボードに上場しました。 FCTのマネージャーは、フレイザー·アンド·ニーヴの完全子会社であるプロパティ会社フレイザーセンターポイント·リミテッド(以下 FCL)の一部門であるフレイザーセンターポイント·アセット·マネジメント株式会社(以下 FCAM)です。
現時点では、FCTのポートフォリオはシンガポールの5つの高品質なショッピングモールで構成され、評価額の総計は18億ドルです。5つとは、コーズウェイポイント、ノースポイント、ベドックポイント、YewTeeポイントとanchorPointです。FCTのモールは広範囲の顧客層を引き寄せ、公共交通機関への接続性、および高い占有率は所得に回復力と安定性をもたらしています。 FCTはまた、安定した収益をあげているマレーシアの上場企業であるHektar REITにおいて31%の持分を所有しています。

私たちのビジョンは、ステークホルダー(テナント、買い物客や投資家)の "好きなショッピングモール"になることです。


<About Us> ref. http://www.fraserscentrepointtrust.com/About%20Us/Overview.aspx

Frasers Centrepoint Trust (“FCT”) is a Singapore-domiciled retail real estate investment trust (“REIT”).  FCT was listed on the mainboard of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST) on 5 July 2006. The Manager of FCT is Frasers Centrepoint Asset Management Ltd. (“FCAM”), a division of property company Frasers Centrepoint Limited (“FCL”), which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fraser and Neave, Limited.
FCT’s principal activity is to invest in income-producing properties used primarily for retail purposes, in Singapore and overseas. Its primary objectives are to deliver regular and stable distributions to unitholders and to achieve long-term capital growth. The objectives are achieved through a combination of its organic, enhancement and acquisition growth strategies.
At present, FCT’s portfolio comprises five quality suburban malls in Singapore with an aggregate appraised value of $1.8 billion. The five malls are Causeway Point, Northpoint, Bedok Point, YewTee Point and Anchorpoint. FCT’s malls enjoy wide captive markets, good connectivity to public transport network and high occupancy which underpin the resilience and stability of its property income. FCT also owns a 31% equity stake in the Malaysian-listed Hektar REIT that provides steady and accretive returns. 
FCT has achieved steady portfolio growth and delivered stable distribution returns to unitholders through successful execution of its growth strategies and prudent capital management. Its total assets grew from S$938 million at its initial public listing to S$1,917 million as at 30 September 2012. Distributions per unit to unitholders also grew steadily from 6.55 cents in FY2007 to 10.01 cents in FY2012, representing a compounded annual growth rate of 8.8% over the six year period.
The Singapore retail sector has historically demonstrated resilience through economic cycles and FCT is well-positioned in this sector to continue to achieve steady growth for its portfolio and returns to its unitholders.


Our vision is to be “Your Malls of Choice” to our stakeholders: Tenants, Shoppers and Investors.
We aim to be a fair and value-adding landlord to our Tenants.
We aspire to create and offer a vibrant and exciting shopping experience to meet the expectations of our Shoppers.
We endeavour to be the REIT of choice affording stable, sustainable and growing distributions to our Investors. 


Frasers Centrepoint Trust’s mission is to provide its unitholders with a regular and stable distribution by investing primarily in quality income-producing retail properties in Singapore and overseas, and to achieve long-term growth in net asset value.

分布図 cf. Portfolio Overview



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